
Title: Book on Glass Bangles Language: Hindi Source: TERI Download
Title: Situation Analysis Raipur Secondary Steel cluster Language: English Source: TERI Download
Title: A Sectoral Roadmap for Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (Glass and Refractory Industries) Language: English Source: TERI Download
Title: A Sectoral Roadmap for Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (Chemical Industries) Language: English Source: TERI Download
Title: Energy-Efficient Technology options for Direct Reduction of Iron Process (Sponge Iron Plants) Language: English Source: TERI Download
Title: Electrification Options in Small-scale Industries Language: English Source: TERI Download
Title: Energy Efficient Technologies and Best Practices in Steel Rolling Industries (Indonesia) Language: English Source: TERI Download
Title: Energy Conservation Guidelines for MSME Sector Language: English Source: TERI Download
Title: Ready Reckoner : Energy efficient technology packages for electric arc furnace Language: English Source: TERI Download
Title: Compendium : Energy efficient technology packages for electric arc furnace Language: English Source: TERI Download
Title: Promoting energy efficiency in Foundry industry by strengthening Business Development Services Language: English Source: TERI Download
Title: Promoting BEE Star Labelling in Pump Set industry by strengthening Business Development Services Language: English Source: TERI Download
Title: Bringing positive change among the Brick Firemen community in East Uttar Pradesh Language: English Source: TERI Download
Title: Towards Cleaner Technologies
A process story in small-scale foundries
Language: English Source: TERI Download
Title: Towards Cleaner Technologies
A process story in the Firozabad glass industry cluster
Language: English Source: TERI Download
Title: Energy conservation measures in the fruit and vegetable processing sector Source: SIDBI Download
Title: Int Bhatta Karigar Samaj ke Saath Karya Language: Hindi Source: TERI Download
Title: Working With the Brick Firemen Community Language: English Source: TERI Download

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