Ludhiana Bakeries (Punjab)
The industrial city of Ludhiana has a cluster of about 170 bakeries and 30 soya processing units, all of them MSMEs. Small and medium-sized bakeries typically have 2–6 baking ovens each. Captive and micro level bakeries usually operate with a single oven. The baking ovens operate on diesel, LPG, or electricity. The soya units use electrical grinders and diesel-based boilers. The cluster provides direct or indirect employment to more than 6000 people.
Products manufactured
Baked products such as breads and buns, cookies and biscuits, and macaroons; soya products such as soya milk and paneer.
Number of MSMEs
Energy consumption
Main fuels
Diesel, electricity, LPG
Production & turnover
2500 tpa; Rs 125 crores (1.25 billion)
Total energy consumption (toe)
Cluster Profile
Other Resources
- District Industries Centre (DIC), Ludhiana;Key=District_Industries_Centre
- MSME Development Institute (MSME-DI), Ludhiana
Source:Data pertains to 2016–17, collected primarily under the TERI–SDC ‘EESE’ project