Ranchi Refractory Industries (Jharkhand)
Ranchi refractory cluster, located in Jharkhand state, employs downdraft kilns for the production process. These refractory industries mainly use coal and petcoke for their thermal energy requirements. Electricity is used in raw material processing.
Products manufactured
Various refractory products like refractory bricks, insulation bricks, monolithics, special refractories, etc.
Number of MSMEs
28 (downdraft-23; tunnel-5)
Energy consumption
Main fuels
Coal, petcoke, electricity
Production & turnover
64,100 tpy
Total energy consumption (toe)
9215 toe: thermal– 9144 toe; electrical—71 toe
Leading industry association(s)
- Jharkhand Small Industries Association Ranchi)http://www.jsia.co.in/
Cluster Profile with older data (2015–16), based on study by TERI under the TERI–SDC EESE project’):
Other resources
Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute (CGCRI) https://www.cgcri.res.in/
Source: Data pertains to 2020–21, gathered through a study by TERI under the BEE project titled ‘Energy and resource mapping of MSME clusters in India