Balakati brass industries
Balakati (or Balakote), located at about 20 kilometers from Bhubaneswar city, hosts a cluster of micro-scale brass units. These are essentially artisan-based cottage industries that have been making hand-crafted brass articles for over a century, employing traditional technologies. There are close to 100 units in the cluster; however these units are operated intermittently based on market demands. On an average, 10?15 units are operating in the cluster on a continuous basis and each unit undertakes melting for about 50 days in a year; other associated operations such as shaping & forming and finishing are undertaken subsequently. The estimated annual turnover of the cluster is Rs 9.8 crore. The Balakati brass cluster provides direct employment to about 1000 people.
Number of MSMEs
Energy consumption
Main fuels
Coal, charcoal, electricity
Production & turnover
141 tpa, Rs 9.8 crores (98 million)
Total energy consumption (toe)
206 toe
Leading industry association(s)
- Balakati Kansa Pital Hastasilpa Unnayana Sanga
Cluster profile
Other resources
- MSME Development Institute (MSME-DI), Cuttack