Rajkot Aluminium Foundries (Gujarat)
Rajkot hosts a cluster of about 60 aluminium foundry units, located in industrial estates around the city. These units are renowned for their superior quality precision castings and aluminium extrusion products. The units fall under three broad categories based on products: aluminium sand moulded castings (21 units); aluminium gravity die castings (19 units); and aluminium extrusions (20 units). The cluster caters to a wide range of secondary production industries including automobile, light and heavy machine tools, compressors, pistons of diesel engines, material handling equipment, dies and pattern for investment casting units, etc. Among the clientele are OEMs such as Atul Auto Ltd, Mahindra & Mahindra, Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd, and Godrej. The production capacity of units ranges from 1.5 tonnes to 32 tonnes per month. The cluster provides direct employment to about 3000 people.
Products manufactured
Aluminium sand moulded castings, aluminium gravity die castings (GDC), aluminium extrusions
Number of MSMEs
Energy consumption
Main fuels
Furnace oil (FO); electricity; coke; LPG
Production & turnover
9760 tpa; Rs 400 crores (4 billion)
Total energy consumption (toe)
Leading industry association(s)
- Rajkot Engineering Association (REA) http://www.reaindia.com/
- GIDC (Lodhika) Industrial Association (GLIA) http://gidclodhika.com/
- AJI (GIDC) Industries Association » Shapar-Veraval Industrial Association http://www.sviarajkot.com/
Cluster Profile
Other Resources
- Central Manufacturing Technology Institute (CMTI) https://cmti.res.in/
- National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC), Rajkot https://www.nsic.co.in/ntsc/NTSC-Rajkot
- District Industries Centre (DIC), Rajkot http://ic.gujarat.gov.in/?page_id=1529
- MSME Development Institute (MSME-DI), Ahmedabad/Rajkot) https://msmediahmedabad.gov.in/
Source: Data pertains to 2015-16, collected primarily under the TERI-SDC EESE project.